
We thought you might benefit from some of the links below. Let us know if you have any suggestions about additional links you would like us to add to this Accountant's Office Online
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 USC Title 26: Searchable IRC Title 26 courtesy of Cornell University.
 Accountant-Client Privilege: Unclear From the Start
 Accountant-Client Privilege: A brief, but useful discussion of this important issue located in the Tax Analysts archives.
 Adobe Acrobat Reader
 Get your free Adobe Acrobat reader here. You'll need it to download FREE tax forms from the IRS and state taxing authority sites.
 AICPA - Capital News
 AICPA Capital News: At this section of the AICPA home page you can keep abreast of Federal and State Legislative and Regulatory News.
 ACTEC American College of Trust & Estate Counsel
 American College of Trust and Estate Counsel
 ABA Tax Section
 Good links and info here at the site.

Government Information
 NonProfit Gateway
 As its name implies, this site is intended for use by nonprofit organizations. It offers links at Cabinet departments to information that is of special interest to nonprofits. Other links will fetch information about grants, volunteering and budgetin
 Library of Congress
 The two most useful areas at this site are Thomas, where you search for information about legislation, and the Copyright Office, where information about copyright law is available.
 U.S. Business Advisor
 Billed as the one-stop electronic link to government for business, the U.S. Business Advisor is a collection of links to other government agencies. Topics include doing business with the government, international trade, finance, labor and employment,
 Federal Trade Commission
 Theres a mother lode of practical information here, including the Business Guidance section, with scores of downloadable business publications on topics ranging from advertising to e-commerce to telemarketing. The directory of regional offices will s
 John Q. Public meets Uncle Sam at FedWorld. You will find a wealth of government and business information-everything from government standards to 17,000 trade-related documents and up-to-date analyses of major U.S. industries. Browse databases, downl
 National Technical Information Service
 Through the National Technical Information Service home page, you can search more than 370,000 (20,000 business-related) titles produced by U.S. government agencies and nonprofit agencies since 1990. This free search is limited to author, title or ag
 Internal Revenue Service
 Get the lowdown on current Federal tax regulations and other tax information at the Internal Revenue Services Web site, where you can also download tax forms and instructions. Its Small Business Corner offers advice on starting and operating your own
 U.S. Department of Commerce
 The depth and breadth of information at this site seems overwhelming, but its an incredible tool if you know what youre looking for. Its got links to the DOCs 14 bureaus, including the Patent and Trademark Office, the Bureau of Export Administration,
 Occupational Safety and Health Administration
 OSHAs pages provide a wealth of information related to the agencys workplace safety standards and regulations. You can search for OSHA regulatory rules, and delve into a number of other databases that include information such as recordkeeping guideli
 U.S. Small Business Administration
 No matter what stage your business is at, you will find a wealth of information here on starting, running and expanding. Get step-by-step information on launching a business, find out about SBA loan programs, take an online course or register your bu

 CNN Interactive
 News sites do not get more thorough than this. You will find up-to-the-minute coverage of the latest news events, complete with audio, video, and tons of links to related stories and background material. CNN Remote delivers news updates to your Deskt
 In addition to comprehensive business coverage, the online version of Fortune offers Fortune & Your Company, a section geared to small businesses. You will find articles on taxes, marketing, management, technology, financing a business and more.
 Inc. Online
 The online version of this popular entrepreneurial magazine regularly offers articles of interest to small-business owners. The Virtual Consultant has searchable databases with information such as businesses up for sale, company profiles and demograp

Computers and Office Supplies
 Take the jitters out of shopping online. Type in the name of the online merchant you are considering and BizRate will tell you how past customers rate the site. Merchants get an overall rating; detailed ratings are also offered in 10 categories, incl